Freitag, 22. März 2013
Meeting again at Kapkuikui...
After our wedding Robert and me were working for one year at a project in Tanzania. Meanwhile we became also missionaries with "Vereinigten Deutschen Missionshilfe" (VDM= United German Mission Support).

But in this project we were not able to working according our call. Therefore we spoke with VDM that we want to look for a new ministry in which we can evangelize children and youngsters.

Then I remembered my first call because of which I came to Kenya in 2010: Kapkuikui.

I was phoning to Kapkuikui and I asked if they are still interested in working with me. But now I would not come alone but together with my husband. The Sundayschool teacher was very happy about my phone call.

He spoke with the elders of the church and they were inviting us for an interview. When we arrived at Kapkuikui I felt like coming home. The children and the grown-ups on the road were rembering me and they shouted: "Dani is back!!!" It was amazing!!!

I have just been at Kapkuikui for three weeks and that was more than two years before and the children were still remembering me! And also the grown-ups!!!

At Sundayschool they were still singing the songs I was teaching them 2010. I was very happy and sooo amazed!!!

Also Robert was welcomed very heartily as my husband. During the service the pastor was introducing him to the church.

After the service there was a meeting with the elders of the church. Joshua, the chairman, was quoting
Psalm 118: 23+24:

"The Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The Lord has done it this very day; let us rejoice today and be glad."

When he was speaking to the church he said that he thought that it is the will of God that I´m coming back now to Kapkuikui together with my husband.

Two weeks later we came for a second visit to Kapkuikui. Robert was preaching. After the service somebody came to me and said: "Dani, you didn´t tell us that you were marrying a pastor...!"

Robert is feeling in Kapkuikui at home like I do... Therefore we are very happy that on this very day the elders decided to employee both of us.

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