Samstag, 23. März 2013
A Practical Time with Consequences...
kadalas in bogoria, 00:29h
After I was doing a six weeks course in Kiswahili in the South of Tanzania I came to Nakuru in April 2011. Here I got the possibility to get to know a Kenyan children´s home. I was living together with the children and I had the possibility to learn more about the Kenyan culture.
Also I was sharing a lot with a coworkers how to work among Kenyan children and youngsters.
But this practical time had also another consequence:
I got to know and I got to love a very handsome young man called Robert Samwel Kadala...
Robert was working at this children´s home as an educator and a music teacher. Also he was leading a few choirs and dancing groups at the AIC (Africa Inland Church) at Nakuru. He was also a devotional leader and responsible for the whole music program at the church.
Robert has a big desire to serve God through children. Especially orphans and street children are a burden on his heart. Everywhere he has a lot of older and younger friends and he is sharing with them. He likes to help others. He is a very happy and friendly person and the people like to have fellowship with him.
One day he was standing in front of me and he was singing: "There is non like you. Noone else can touch my heart like you do..." It was really touching my heart. After a few weeks I really realized how serious he was...
This Tanzanian man had stolen my heart and I was not longer able to stay without him...
The greatest wish of Robert is one day to visit a Bible school and to become a pastor of a small church. His former church was allowing him to preach several times to get more and more experience.
One day there was a street evangelism and I was just looking at Robert. He was the technical and the musician leader and he was managing everything. Everybody was coming to him to ask him thousands of questions but Robert was very friendly to all of them. When he was singing and dancing you could really see the big love he has for Jesus.
At this moment I realized that I was very proud that this great man is loving me! And that we want to live and to serve the LORD together for the rest of our lives.
In the midth of July 2011 my parents were coming to visit me. I was introducing Robert to them. In the beginning they were calling me crazy but later on they started to understand me and to love him also. I was very happy about that!!! For me that was a clear answer to my prayers and a sign that God agrees with our plans.
My parents were inviting Robert and me to attend a nice wedding at Dar es Salaam and to spend one week holidays at Sansibar. It was a fantastic time!!!
After Sansibar we came back to Dar es Salaam to meet together with a part of Robert´s family. According to Robert´s Sukuma culture (tribe of Robert) I had to cook for the whole family for two days.
After that my parents left Tanzania and Robert´s parents were inviting us to their homeplace at Mwanza in the North of Tanzania next to Lake Victoria.
Everybody was watching at me and as a good-bye gift Robert´s mum was giving me a kanga (a piece of cloth used like an apron). According to Robert´s culture this kanga was a sign that she was accepting me as her daughter in law.
Also this was a big answer of my prayers. Because if Robert´s family would have said "no" to me it would have been impossible for Robert to marry me. Thank to the LORD that his family was welcoming me to heartily!!!
In Mwanza Robert and me met also the pastor of his AIC and he agreed also to our wedding plans and also to our idea to become missionaries in East Africa.
After Robert got the "okay" from his family and his pastor on the 12th of September 2011 he was asking me if I would like to marry him. I agreed and as a surprise he put a little tiny ring on my right hand. I was very very happy!!!
In April 2012 Robert and me went by plane together to Germany. On the 11th of April was our offical wedding in the South of Germany (Bad Wildbad) and on the 14th of April was our church wedding at the International Baptist Church in Hamburg.
...already 714 x read
I got to know and I got to love a very handsome young man called Robert Samwel Kadala...
This Tanzanian man had stolen my heart and I was not longer able to stay without him...
One day there was a street evangelism and I was just looking at Robert. He was the technical and the musician leader and he was managing everything. Everybody was coming to him to ask him thousands of questions but Robert was very friendly to all of them. When he was singing and dancing you could really see the big love he has for Jesus.
At this moment I realized that I was very proud that this great man is loving me! And that we want to live and to serve the LORD together for the rest of our lives.
Everybody was watching at me and as a good-bye gift Robert´s mum was giving me a kanga (a piece of cloth used like an apron). According to Robert´s culture this kanga was a sign that she was accepting me as her daughter in law.
Also this was a big answer of my prayers. Because if Robert´s family would have said "no" to me it would have been impossible for Robert to marry me. Thank to the LORD that his family was welcoming me to heartily!!!
After Robert got the "okay" from his family and his pastor on the 12th of September 2011 he was asking me if I would like to marry him. I agreed and as a surprise he put a little tiny ring on my right hand. I was very very happy!!!