Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013
Crusiade at Kapkuikui
On the 5th of May was a small outreach program in Kapkuikui. Together with some church members, elders and two pastors we went to the center of Kapkuikui.

Pastor Simon was preaching. When he saw that a few people were playing cards he said: You can continue to play, but it would be nice to listen what God wants to tell you… and then… they stopped the game, laid the cards on the table and they listened to his sermon.

Together we were singing a few Kalenjin songs.

Some church members gave a testimony and spoke about their experiences with God.

The pastor was introducing Robert and me to the village …

It was a nice fellowship…

Some people from the village said it was very nice.

But suddenly the rain started and we had to quit the program…

You will find more pictures of the outreach in our photoblog. Click here:

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