Freitag, 14. Juni 2013
Evangelistic Outreach at Primary School Kapkuikui
Two weeks ago we have started to do the Pastoral program at the Primary School at Kapkuikui. The Pastoral Program is an evangelistic outreach at schools.

From now on every Thursday afternoon from 3 to 4 p.m. and Friday morning for one lesson we are teaching at the school at Kapkuikui.

Robert is teaching the smaller classes in Kiswahili. Till now he spoke about Josef and David. The children are very open and they really like stories.

I´m teaching the upper classes in English. On Thursday last week I started to speak about the life of Hudson Taylor and there are listening very carefully. On Friday mornings I´m speaking about the parables of Christ.

Today I spoke about “Lost things” and I was telling them the stories about “The Lost coin”, “The Lost sheep” and “The Prodigal Son”. After that I explained that in the eyes of God we are lost also and we need to be saved by Jesus Christ. The youngsters were listening carefully, too.

Please pray with me that the Holy Spirit will touch their hearts and that they want to receive Jesus as their Lord and Saviour…

Also were are singing some English worship songs together. Their favourite song is „Mercy is falling…“

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