Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013
The drama of the „Good Samaritan“
Today the drama group was playing the story of the „Good Samaritan”. A Pharisee is asking Jesus: Who is my neighbour? Then Jesus was telling him a story.

There was a man on the way from Jerusalem to Jericho.

Suddenly the robbers were coming and they robbed him and they were beating him.

Then a priest was passing. He was not helping. Also a Levite was just continuing his journey when he saw him.

But a Samaritan stopped and helped the man. He cared for his wounds.

He was putting him on his donkey and brought him to the next inn.

The innkeeper took care for him.

Jesus was asking the Pharisee: Who is now your neighbour? The answered: The Samaritan… “Go now and help others…”

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