Donnerstag, 22. August 2013
Seminar for Youth about “The Armour of God“ at the AIC Kapkuikui
kadalas in bogoria, 23:49h
From the 20th to the 22nd of August 2013 there was a seminar for the youth from 3 to 6 p.m. at the AIC Kapkuikui. We spoke about the “Armour of God” (Ephesian 6:10-20). On every day they were between 15 and 20 youngsters coming.

...already 640 x read

We spoke about the spiritual warfare in which we are as Christians and how we can handle it the best. By looking at pictures about Roman soldiers Dani was explaining as the different parts of the armour and how to handle them.

After the preaching part we had a great time by playing funny games and doing also a quiz.

We were laughing a lot and had a great time!

More pictures you can find under:

More pictures you can find under: