Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013
Sunday School at AIC Tembererwe
On the 27th of October 2013 was the first possibility for me to visit the Sunday School at AIC Tembererwe.

The church is in a very lonely area. The school is left empty and now the AIC Tembererwe is using the school. Therefore it is amazing that almost 50 children are coming for Sunday School.

They have two rooms and therefore they are separating the children in two groups according to the age. There are children between two and thirteen years.

At AIC Tembererwe there are eight Sunday School teachers who are changing every week. The teachers are pupils by themselves from standard six up.

But the teachers are very high motivated and they are caring for the children even during the service.

In the beginning the children were singing some worship songs in Kalengjin.

After that one teacher was teaching about Abraham.

After a prayer I got the opportunity to tell a mission story to the children and somebody was translating me into Kalengjin.

The children were listening very interested.

After the official Sunday School I was talking with one teacher.

After that I played some games with the children.

The children were very happy and enjoyed the games a lot.

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