Dienstag, 5. November 2013
Sunday School in Kiswahili
On the last Sunday I went again to AIC Kaptombes for the Sunday School.

After the local teacher were singing some Kalengjin songs and telling them a Bible story in Kalengjin,

I was taking over the Sunday School program. First we were singing some songs in Kiswahili.

Then I was showing them a coloured book called „The Little fearing sparrow“. I was teaching the story in Kiswahili. At home I prepared the story in Kiswahili and I was writing the complete story down. Now I was presenting it.

The children were exited listening. Later on I added some explanations in English and someone was translating me into Kalengjin.

The children told me that has been a very nice story and they said that they have understood my Kiswahili. I hope that was the truth and not only politely?!

You will find more picture about the Sunday School at Kaptombes under:

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