Dienstag, 5. November 2013
Pray for a New Leader for Drama Group
Since we have the car Robert and me are travelling a lot. One week we are going for the service to Kaptombes, then is the branch service. One week later we are at AIC Kapkuikui and the fourth Sunday a month we are at Tembererwe.

Especially the small churches are happy that we are attending their service now regularly once a month and that we have started small groups at Kaptombes and Tembererwe.

But therefore it is not possible for us any more to be every Sunday at Kapkuikui. Therefore I´m not longer able to lead the drama group at Kapkuikui. Because only once in a month I´m at the service at Kapkuikui and the children need someone who is helping and leading them.

Please pray that we find someone who is willing to lead the drama group that also in future they will be able to present a drama on each Sunday at Kapkuikui. Thanks.

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