Montag, 23. Juni 2014
Visiting a Sick Dancing Group Member
At the 15th of June 2014 the AIC Kapkuikui dancing group went to visit a choir member at her homeplace.

For more than two weeks this young lady was sick now. We were coming to make her a little bit happy.

The dancing group were presenting some songs.

Because of the loud music the neighbours were coming to attend the program.

After some songs we were reading from the Bible and praying together.

Please pray with us for this young lady that God will heal her very soon and that she will be able to go back to Secundary School. Thank you.

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Dancing Group at a Burial at Poi
On the 26th of May 2014 Kimaru Kipkurere was dyeing in the age of 77 years. 2001 he started to believe in Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour. Because he wanted to learn more about Jesus he was attending the Sunday School program together with his children and grandchildren. Many people – small ones and older ones – loved him a lot.

Therefore many people were coming to say Good bye to him for the last time. Many speakers were talking about his life and a pastor from Marigat was preaching.

Even the dancing group of AIC Kapkuikui was involved in the program and they were presenting some songs.

After the burial we were eating together and finally everybody went home.

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Montag, 5. August 2013
Dancing Group is growing
After the dancing was at other places they are now dancing at AIC Kapkuikui.

At the moment there are 35 dancers.

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Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013
Our dancing group at a 5 Star Hotel
On the 30th of June 2013 we got an invitation to attend the service for the workers of the Lake Bogoria Hotel (SPA Resort) with our dancing group.

The leader of the church was welcoming us very heartily.

In the beginning of the service our children were dancing under the leadership of Robert.

Also Robert was playing keyboard during the church worship.

Pastor Symon of our AIC Kapkuikui was preaching.

During the service and at the end of the service our dancing group was dancing again.

After the service Peter showed the younger ones the hotel,

and a teacher of the Primary School at Kapkuikui hold a seminary for the older girls about the challenge of becoming a grown up.

As a thank you everybody received a bottle of Soda.

For our children it was amazing to dance at such a 5 Star Hotel.

But also the workers of the hotel were happy to watch at the dancing group and they invited us again for another day…

More pictures you will find under

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Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013
New dancing group is growing…
Now the dancing group for children and youngsters is there for three weeks. On every Saturday new children are joining the group. Now they are already 36 dancers…

More pictures you will find under

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Montag, 13. Mai 2013
New Dance Group at AIC Kapkuikui
At the 11th of May 2013 Robert was meeting with some children and youngsters to found a dancing group at the AIC Kapkuikui. They practiced for more then two hours at the Saturday afternoon and on Sunday they were dancing in the church.

The church liked it very much. Everybody was happy to see the children and youngsters singing and dancing for the glory of the Lord.

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