Samstag, 12. Oktober 2013
Form IV- Prayer Day in Loboi
On the 11th of October there was a Prayer Day at the Secondary School of Loboi. It was a prayer day for the candidates of form four because their final examination will start in ten days.

Robert was invited to take over the responsibility for the music program on this day.

Also the parents and relatives were invited for this prayer day.

Shortly after the opening prayer the students from all classes were presenting some songs.

Afterwards that there were some speeches from the prefect, the class teacher, the deputy principal, the principal and also from a parent representative.

Thereafter a word of God the candidates were asked to come in front for a prayer and a blessing.

Finally there was a closing prayer. That was also the beginning for the students to have lunch together with their parents on the school compound.

The examinations will starts on the 21st of October…there will be examinations in eleven subjects.

Please pray for the students that God may help them to pass their examinations. Thanks a lot.

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Samstag, 29. Juni 2013
„Weekend challenge“ for youngsters
From the 14th to the 16th of June 2013 there was a weekend seminary at the Secondary School in Loboi. All 220 pupils were attending this seminar.

The motto was „Weekend Challenge“.

The idea was to challenge the youngsters to think about their lifes according to the Bible. In Kiswahili „reading“ means „Masomo“. That was the motto of the preaching on Saturday.

M= move with God always
A= arrange your priorites
S=shape your destiny
O=organize yourself
M=measure your progess
O=open up for a change

Also there are preaching about “charakteristika of a good student”, “living with God how does it looks like…”

Most of the preachers have been Bible school students.

Robert was responsible for the music at the entire weekend.

On Saturday afternoon there were two groups and the students had the possible to ask a lot of questions.

On Saturday there was a worship evening.

On Sunday there have been two services and also the students of other schools were invited.

Also the dancing group of AIC Kapkuikui under the leadership of Robert was involved in the service.

It was a nice weekend with a lot of fellowship and conversations.

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