Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013
Sunday School at AIC Kapkuikui
At the AIC Kapkuikui the Sunday School starts before the church at 8:30 a.m. every Sunday.

Since many years Peter is teaching Sunday School here. He has a big heart for children and the children love him very much.

In 2010 I got the opportunity to work together with Peter. At that time there have been almost twenty children in Sunday School.

Peter was very open to learn new things. He was looking what I was doing and after that he was copying me in his kindly way.

Meanwhile the number of Sunday School children has grown to 50 children.

The children like singing and also to make games.

Also they have fun to make dramas.

And they really enjoy to be creative and to make arts.

Last Sunday we separated the children in two groups. While Peter was making a program with the smaller ones in the Kalendjin language, I was teaching the older ones by playing a memory game about creation.

After that we were making one game after the after. You could really see how the older ones enjoyed being among themselves without the smaller ones.

We all had a lot of fun.

At the end we were making a game called „Stop-dancing“ to send the children home. The smaller and the older ones really enjoyed this Sunday!

More pictures you can find in our photoblog under http://kadalafotos.blogger.de/topics/Kindergottesdienst+%28Sunday+School%29/

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