Dienstag, 7. Mai 2013
Seminar for Sunday School Teachers
From the 2nd to the 4th of May there was a seminar for Sunday School Teachers in the AIC Kapkuikui. World Vision was organizing this seminar. And the teachers were coming from the Kenyan Scripture Union.

Almost 30 Sunday School Teachers were attending this seminar. There were coming from the different churches from our area.

Two Teachers from Scripture Union were teaching us in:
• Biblical Basis of Child Evangelism
• Hindrances of Child Evangelism
• Qualities of a good Sunday School Teacher
• Bible interpretations
• How children learn
• Multiple intelligences
• Bible lesson preparations
• Lesson Structure
• Sunday School management
• Evangelism
• Discipleship
• Games

The seminar was mostly theory. But between the different sections there were funny games and songs with movements.

Two mornings before the seminar started I had the possibility to teach some English and Kiswahili Children Songs and after the seminar we did some arts and every teacher could make a shaker (small instrument) for the Sunday School at home.

A few youngsters from our church district were living a two hours walk far from Kapkuikui. Therefore I was inviting the “young ladies“ to stay at our home during the three days of the seminar. Therefore eight young teachers were sleeping at our house. We had a very nice fellowship.

After the seminar we planned together with two pastors another seminar with more practical things according to Sunday School.

In a small questionnaire which was filled out by the Sunday School Teachers the teachers were writing that there is a big lack of teaching materials and that they hope that Robert and me can help them…

We are very thankful that Scripture Union were coming to Kapkuikui to hold the seminar for us and we are very thankful for World Vision to care for the finances. It was a very blessed time.

More pictures of the seminar are in our photoblog. Click here:

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