Samstag, 23. März 2013
10 Steps to Subcribe our Blog
Thank you for being interested to subscribe our blog. Our blog is a German homepage therefore now all is in German. We are sorry for that. But this explanation is guiding you through it and “Good News” you have to do it just once and after that you will get an e-mail with an information about all new articles.

1. In our blog deep down unter Statistic you will find the coloured word "anmelden".

2. Click "anmelden" (= engl. log in)

3. After that another window is opening. Click "Noch keinen Benutzernamen registriert?". (= engl. Not yet registered with a user name?)

4. After that a page with a formular is opening. Fill in the formular. Here is small dictionary to help you:

• Benutzername = user name
• Passwort = password
• Passwort bestätigen = confirm password
• E-Mail Adresse = your e-mail adress

5. Then you will find a small white field. If you make a cross here, I can see your e-mail address. If you don´t cross here I can just read your username.(You can choose.)

• Persönliche URL= personal URL. If you have an own homepage or an own blog fill the name of it here, if you want.

6. Then click "registrieren" (= engl. to register).

7. The window will close and the front page of our blog is opening. On the first line you will read in German language:

"Willkommen bei 'Kadala-Kapkuikui-News in English',

__________ (your user name). Viel Spass!"

That means: „Welcome at 'Kadala-Kapkuikui-News in English',

__________ (your user name). Have fun!”

8. On our blog right downwards under Statistic you will find the coloured word "...abmelden" (= engl. Log out)

9. Click here to log out.

10. Now you are through! You were subcribing our blog.

From now on you will get an e-mail when we were posting a new article in the blog. You don´t need to open it dairly to check if there is something new.

Thank you for your interest for us an our ministry. The LORD may bless you.

Dani & Robert

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